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How long will it take to break a 256 bit AES encryption key using brute force?

 AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a widely used encryption algorithm to protect sensitive data such as passwords, financial transactions, and confidential communications. AES uses a key to encrypt and decrypt data, and the length of the key determines the strength of the encryption. AES keys can be either 128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits long. The longer the key, the more secure the encryption. In this blog post, we will explore how long it would take to break a 256-bit AES encryption key using brute force methods.

What is Brute Force Attack?

A brute force attack is a method of cracking a password or encryption key by trying every possible combination of characters until the correct one is found. Brute force attacks can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, but they are sometimes the only practical method for cracking a password or encryption key.

The Strength of AES-256 Encryption

AES-256 is the most secure encryption algorithm of the AES family, using a 256-bit key length, which is an incredibly large number of possible keys. The number of possible keys is 2^256, which is approximately 1.16 x 10^77. To put it in perspective, this is a number with 77 digits.

To break the encryption of a 256-bit AES key using brute force, an attacker would have to try every possible key. If we assume that an attacker can try one billion keys per second, it would take them approximately 3 x 10^51 years to try all possible keys. This is many times longer than the current estimated age of the universe, which is around 13.8 billion years.

Even if we were to assume that an attacker could try a trillion keys per second, it would still take them over 3 x 10^41 years to try all possible keys. This is still an impossibly long time to break the encryption of a 256-bit AES key.

The Reality of Breaking AES-256 Encryption

The brute force method of breaking AES-256 encryption is currently considered infeasible. It is simply not possible to try all possible keys in a reasonable amount of time with current technology. However, it is important to note that brute-force attacks are not the only method of breaking encryption.

In practice, attackers may attempt to break AES-256 encryption by exploiting weaknesses in the implementation of the algorithm or by using other types of attacks such as side-channel attacks or cryptanalysis. Therefore, it is important to keep AES-256 implementations secure by following best practices for key management, software development, and hardware design.


In summary, breaking a 256-bit AES encryption key using brute force methods is currently considered impossible with existing technology. Even with hypothetical advances in computing power, the time required to break the encryption is far beyond the age of the universe. While brute force attacks are not the only method of breaking encryption, the security of AES-256 encryption is considered very strong and is widely used to protect sensitive data.

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